News & Interviews

At BETAR, not only we value sharing our news, but particularly value the act of listening and learning from the experts with whom we collaborate and come across in our day-to-day activities: that's why our interviews were born.


A conversation with Arch. Paulo Tormenta Pinto

‘We are concerned with the‘ invariables’ of architecture, a search for solutions without time that lead us to a more anonymous role, without that meaning loss of disciplinary scholarship’ Read more


A conversation with Arch. João Luís Ferreira

The country's potential is far superior to the benefit taken from it. What seems fundamental to me is to attract new residents. Portugal should be a destination for settling and not for holidays. Read more


A conversation with Eng. Guilherme Pinho e Silva

'Brisa focuses on people. We seek to innovate in new technologies and methodologies. I am responsible for the efficient management of assets in order to achieve the objectives in a sustainable way. ’ Read more


A conversation with Arch. Flávio Tirone

We have a triangle of priorities: the public, the artists and the technicians. We made it our mission to ensure that no colleague, artist or stage technician had to step on a stage in bad condition Read more


A conversation with Arch. Tomás Rebelo de Andrade

"The cyclical crises that have been occurring have made very large dents, difficult to compensate for in the wealthy times, which are also cyclical and lead invariably to the next crisis". Read more


A conversation with Eng. Rui Coutinho

‘The route of our conservation and maintenance decisions lies in the inspection and monitoring activity that aims to identify the most advantageous time to intervene in the engineering structures’ Read more


A conversation with Aboim Inglez Architects

'We were asked to recover a house with unfinished walls and part of the roof built with metal sheets, with a limited budget. The client did not have the prejudice of thinking "I am not going to call an architect here". She felt that she had that right ' Read more


A conversation with Arch. Afonso Almeida Fernandes

‘CAuSA intends to be an association of architects and engineers, who want to help, but it lacks time and initiatives’ Read more


A conversation with Eng. Vicente Miranda

'In Mozambique, there is little training to develop the class of civil engineers and there is a lack of courage to guarantee more quality in the projects, because that means contradicting and annoying the financing countries.' Read more


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Portugal 2020 / Compete 2020 / União Europeia - Fundo Europeu do Desenvolvimento Regional