News & Interviews

At BETAR, not only we value sharing our news, but particularly value the act of listening and learning from the experts with whom we collaborate and come across in our day-to-day activities: that's why our interviews were born.


A conversation with Eng. José Galvão Teles

'It's not enough to have comfort, you have to use little energy, you have to have things that are effective and simple to maintain, and that age slowly, and these concerns are often used as a false flag' Read more


A conversation with Arch. Pedro Ricciardi

'The studio's philosophy is to create spaces that are [...] functional and timeless. Each project is unique and different, with no set formulas. A continuous exercise in discovery, in search of creative solutions' Read more


Talking about Eng. António Rocha Cabral

This year will be marked by António Rocha Cabral's farewell and we couldn't help but pay tribute to him. In this interview, Maria do Carmo Viera tells us about Mr. Cabral, undeniably one of BETAR's most important figures. Read more


A conversation with Eng. Melvin Xavier

'Despite the recurring damage created by natural disasters, the transport sector is one of those that has managed to stay on course for development, with the major challenge being the maintenance of infrastructure' Read more


A conversation with Eng. Chrispin Kapalamula

'Ensuring that the environment remains a central concern, that it is not compromised during the works (...) and ensuring, wherever possible, that it is restored to its condition after demobilization, is a very important function' Read more


A conversation with Arch. Carlos Ribas

'The principles of sustainability have always been those of landscape architecture [...] The national circumstance of having "specialist" professions that understand nothing about the territory means that we have a growing dehumanization of the landscape and a very strong dynamic of unsustainability' Read more


A conversation with coach Jaime Langa

'Sport is a factor in inclusion, equality, participation in social life, acceptance of differences and respect for the rules. Rugby in particular is a game that demands a lot of these factors' Read more


A conversation with Eng. Jorge Pereira

'VR1 is a road (...) built on a rugged terrain. Around 70% of our infrastructure is, roughly speaking, bridged or tunneled and this sets us apart from most concessions' Read more


A conversation with Eng. Carlos Fernandes

'The National Infrastructure Plan 20-30 [which provides for] the construction of high-speed lines is already taking its first steps. [On the other hand, the assets that are no longer needed for road-rail operation [are being] rehabilitated and reused for other purposes' Read more


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Portugal 2020 / Compete 2020 / União Europeia - Fundo Europeu do Desenvolvimento Regional