News & Interviews

At BETAR, not only we value sharing our news, but particularly value the act of listening and learning from the experts with whom we collaborate and come across in our day-to-day activities: that's why our interviews were born.


A conversation with Arch. Frederico Valsassina

‘Architecture is closely linked to the person’s own way of being. I wouldn’t be able to present something that I didn’t feel, and more, that I couldn’t inhabit ’ Read more


A conversation with Arch. Cristina Salvador

'The experience at Namibe was how to get to the bottom of the issue, to what's not covered with anything else.' Read more


A conversation with Arch. Gonçalo Byrne

'I compare the projects, a little, to what happens to children: after a certain point they have their autonomy, their life...' Read more


A conversation with Arch. Nuno Teotónio Pereira

'The built space must have good conditions for the functions that are performed there.' Read more


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Portugal 2020 / Compete 2020 / União Europeia - Fundo Europeu do Desenvolvimento Regional