News & Interviews

At BETAR, not only we value sharing our news, but particularly value the act of listening and learning from the experts with whom we collaborate and come across in our day-to-day activities: that's why our interviews were born.


A conversation with Arch. Carlos Tojal and Arch. Miguel Passos

'Everything we do is discussed. This is fundamentally a team effort where everyone adds' Read more


A conversation with Arch. Paulo David

‘It can be more exciting to build a home for a friend in my village, than to build a tower on 5th Avenue in New York for unknown users’ Read more


A conversation with Arch. José Forjaz

'I am an internationalist. Only like that we can be consistent with a society that we want closely integrated. I feel like an architect. I think our homeland is where we work. ’ Read more


A conversation with Arch. Tomás Rebelo de Andrade and Arch. Jorge Garcia Simões

'The word complicate is not part of our lexicon because we want what we do to be discernible and to be read’ Read more


A conversation with Arch. João Luís Ferreira

‘Architecture is the victory of space over time. (...) It is the opposite of fashion. (...) It is what is not a passenger. (...) Architecture is the mirror of society’. Read more


A conversation with Arch. Falcão de Campos

‘An architect is, par excellence, a non-specialist, has a global vision, coordinates various knowledges, both draws a handle as is able to plan parts of a city.‘ Read more


A conversation with Arch. António Nunes de Almeida

'I like to think about architecture and to develop projects. (…) For me, the work of architecture is an inhabited sculpture.’ Read more


A conversation with Arch. Manuel Aires Mateus

'The great advantage with brothers is the total lack of ceremony, which makes us have violent discussions and resolve everything very quickly.' Read more


A conversation with Arch. Carrilho da Graça

‘Architects are always trying to communicate, in a perfect way, what they think (...) I cannot say that there is one that is‘ the’ work. I am always trying to achieve perfection.' Read more


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Portugal 2020 / Compete 2020 / União Europeia - Fundo Europeu do Desenvolvimento Regional