News & Interviews

At BETAR, not only we value sharing our news, but particularly value the act of listening and learning from the experts with whom we collaborate and come across in our day-to-day activities: that's why our interviews were born.


A conversation with Arch. Miguel Arruda

'We take visual perception for granted, while the tactile sense is not so present, which is something that one discovers in sculpture.’ Read more


A conversation with Arch. Jorge Sousa Santos

'I think I am an architect due to the influence of Lego (…) As for architecture, there is an idea that I have been pursuing which is that a building is an object that cannot be decomposed.' Read more


A conversation with Arch. Pedro Ravara and Arch. Nuno Vidigal

'The relationship with the students is fascinating and fundamental in order to stay "up to date". They are our best specialty magazine'. Read more


A conversation with Arch. João Favila

'I often say that architecture is similar to cooking. Both are about alchemy, with the right proportions and doses, with transformation and precision.' Read more


A conversation with Arch. Filipa Cardoso de Menezes and Arch. Catarina Assis Pacheco

‘The perusal of the terrain is the starting point, and it is from this interaction with the place and its specificities that our work arises’ Read more


A conversation with Arch. José Neves

‘One of the few certainties I have about architecture is that we should only destroy or replace what we can do better.’ Read more


A conversation with Arch. Miguel Berger

'In Luanda I feel at home. During the first days I walked with a camera in my hand, touched by the buildings. I really like being here, my life started again at 40. ’ Read more


A conversation with Arch. José Laranjeira

‘The idea of a ‘master’ is something that is being lost because there is no dynamic for this kind of relationships that were established in the ateliers, when I started the profession.’ Read more


A conversation with Arch. Tiago Saraiva and Arch. Andreia Salavessa

‘There is architectural work to do in the country and people need it, what doesn’t exist is money. We identify the problems and apply to resolve them.’ Read more


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Portugal 2020 / Compete 2020 / União Europeia - Fundo Europeu do Desenvolvimento Regional