
A conversation with Arch. Pedro Ricciardi


A conversation with Arch. Pedro Ricciardi

'The studio's philosophy is to create spaces that are [...] functional and timeless. Each project is unique and different, with no set formulas. A continuous exercise in discovery, in search of creative solutions'

I’d like you to start by talking about the beginning of your career. Why did you decide to pursue architecture and how did you get started?

My fascination with the world of architecture was born very early on in my life, especially because of my desire to create spaces that can have an impact on people’s lives. The choice of profession was clear and natural. In the fourth year of my architecture degree, I was invited by architect Carlos Lampreia (my teacher from the previous year’s project course) to do an internship in his office. It was a very rewarding experience because I had the chance to get to grips with the real side of the profession. As soon as I graduated, I had the privilege of working in João Luís Carrilho da Graça’s studio, where I was able to collaborate on important projects, learning from his technical and aesthetic approach. The beginning of my activity was marked by a strong commitment to project quality and a humanistic approach, always focused on finding creative and innovative solutions to each challenge presented.

Between 2013 and 2016, you led a team in Isay Weinfeld’s office in São Paulo, Brazil. What did you gain from this experience?

When I started working in his office, I joined the creative team and, as the work progressed, I ended up leading a team of architects working on international projects. Working with the architect Isay Weinfeld was a very enriching experience. It allowed me to work on projects of great scale and complexity, all over the world (especially the USA) with different cultural and professional backgrounds. During this period I had the privilege of working directly with the architect Isay Weinfeld and discovering a new approach and vision of architecture, developing innovative technical and creative solutions.

From there to being invited to coordinate a team in the same architect’s new office in New York was a short step. You were in the USA between 2016 and 2019. What was most appealing?

The invitation to open this office arose from the need to support various projects under construction and others in development in New York, for which I was already responsible in São Paulo. My move to New York to coordinate a team in the new office was a unique opportunity to grow professionally and personally. Initially, the project presented major challenges in terms of team management and remote project coordination. However, the collaboration with professionals from different nationalities and the possibility of working on large-scale, globally relevant projects was very motivating.

What has international experience brought you? What are the main differences between Brazil and the USA?

International experience has given me a broader vision, allowing me to absorb new ways of seeing and developing architecture. There are indeed clear differences in design and construction activity between Brazil and the USA. One of the reasons the office was invited to do projects in NY was to take a different approach to the urban context we were working in, developing projects with the desire to create something exceptional and innovative. All the projects developed outside Brazil were always accompanied by local architects. Their aim was to provide support during all stages of the project, integrating technical and constructive solutions that were appropriate to the city’s construction standards.

In 2019 you decided to return to Portugal and set up your own studio in Lisbon. What led you to this decision? What is the philosophy behind the studio?

Returning to Portugal and setting up my own studio in Lisbon was motivated by the desire to apply my experience and knowledge to designing new projects. Despite being involved in incredible projects, the time had come to create my own space where I could develop my approach to architecture and create my identity as an architect.
The studio’s philosophy is to create spaces that are both functional and timeless. Each project is unique and different, with no set formulas. A continuous exercise in discovery, always in search of new creative solutions. Urban insertion and the way projects integrate into the landscape play a fundamental role in our architecture.
We believe that architecture should be seen as a whole, from conception to construction, and that each project should be developed in close collaboration with the client, so that we can understand their needs and desires.

What prospects do you have for the future?

It is the studio’s intention to continue growing as an office and to develop projects in Portugal and abroad. We intend to maintain our work philosophy, always with a high level of quality in all the projects we develop. We want to continue working on projects that are challenging and that allow us to apply innovative and creative solutions. We believe that, through our personalized approach and strategic vision, we can make a difference in people’s lives and contribute to the development of a more sustainable and conscious architecture.

This interview is part of Artes & Letras Magazine #150, March 2023.
Partially automatic translation from portuguese: some expressions may differ from their actual meaning.

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Portugal 2020 / Compete 2020 / União Europeia - Fundo Europeu do Desenvolvimento Regional