Urban Park in Albarquel

  • Location: Setúbal, Portugal
  • Solution: Buildings, Infrastructure and Transport
  • Type: Urbanism, environment and public areas, Supply and drainage networks, Retail, Art, culture and sports
  • Promoter: Setúbal Polis
  • Architecture: F&C Arquitectura Paisagista / Bak Gordon Arquitectos
  • Scope: Foundations and structure, sewerage and water supply
  • Area: 35000m2
  • Project: 2004-2006
  • Construction: 2007
  • Photography: F&C Arquitectura Paisagista / Bak Gordon Arquitectos
  • See on Google Maps

Urban Park in Albarquel

  • Location: Setúbal, Portugal
  • Solution: Buildings, Infrastructure and Transport
  • Type: Urbanism, environment and public areas, Supply and drainage networks, Retail, Art, culture and sports
  • Promoter: Setúbal Polis
  • Architecture: F&C Arquitectura Paisagista / Bak Gordon Arquitectos
  • Scope: Foundations and structure, sewerage and water supply
  • Area: 35000m2
  • Project: 2004-2006
  • Construction: 2007
  • Photography: F&C Arquitectura Paisagista / Bak Gordon Arquitectos
  • Ver no Google Maps

The Urban Park landscape and architectural arrangement proposed contemplates the use of two of the existing platforms slightly shaping the land, sometimes by digging or by landfill for insertion of the support buildings. Therefore at elevation 4.30 is created a platform on landfill contained ahead of the reinforced concrete retaining walls and behind by the existing stone walls.

The new walls development follows irregularly but approximately parallel the configuration of the existing walls with a distance between of 10.0m. On the created platform were placed the Park support buildings for the Park, Recreation and Snack Bar.

The terrain is molded on three platforms (elevations 21.80, 20.00 and 17.60) to allow the placement of a fourth building destined for restaurant and parking. It includes a lift station construction to conduct domestic wastewater from the park to the general collector.

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Portugal 2020 / Compete 2020 / União Europeia - Fundo Europeu do Desenvolvimento Regional