
Fundação da Construção has already been presented


Fundação da Construção has already been presented

Betar took part in the public act of constitution that took place on the 25th

The Construction Foundation, of which Betar is a founding member, was set up and presented on 25 July at the Técnico Innovation Center in Lisbon. Tiago Mendonça, Betar’s Managing Partner, attended the event on behalf of the group.

The initiative, which brings together the Order of Engineers, the Order of Architects, the Order of Economists and 14 leading companies in the construction sector, has the mission of debating national problems and promoting innovation and the economic and sustainable development of the sector.

The ceremony was attended by Miguel Pinto Luz, Minister of Infrastructure and Housing.

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Portugal 2020 / Compete 2020 / União Europeia - Fundo Europeu do Desenvolvimento Regional