
Birthday Dinner


Birthday Dinner

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of BETAR we gathered several customers, partners, employees and friends at a commemorative dinner.

The 50th anniversary of BETAR has been celebrated throughout the year with several initiatives. On May 17, Pátio da Galé in Lisbon was the scene of another of these moments, bringing together hundreds of people close to the company to celebrate this great milestone in our history.

The President of the Order of Engineers, Eng. Fernando Almeida Santos, was invited to inaugurate the party: “Congratulations to BETAR! 50 years in the construction line, with so many ups and downs, it’s not easy. I am here as a friend but also as a President and is a pleasure to talk about the importance that civil engineering has”.

Next, because BETAR are the people who compose it and those with whom we have collaborated for half a century, Eng. Tiago Mendonça, Managing Partner, took the floor to thank the contribution of all present for the achievements of BETAR: “I think BETAR is a special company. (…) We are now 14 partners, within the various companies, and since the beginning that BETAR, with these fantastic engineers, works with great Portuguese architects and I wanted to thank everyone. (…) We are an engineering house that seeks solutions, it is our first principle. Then respect for people, all who work with us, partners, customers… and respect for architecture. And innovation is also a value, we have had to innovate and reinvent ourselves in these 50 years. BETAR is all this. BETAR are all of us. Thank you all”.

See some pictures in the Image Gallery

News & Interviews


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'I am an internationalist. Only like that we can be consistent with a society that we want closely integrated. I feel like an architect. I think our homeland is where we work. ’ Read more


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Portugal 2020 / Compete 2020 / União Europeia - Fundo Europeu do Desenvolvimento Regional